Friday 18 February 2011

honey, there's a food source in our backyard.

The mornings are usually a little hectic around our house. For me, at least: I tend to run around like a busy-body while Ryan knows how to keep it nice and relaxed. I start with the best of intentions—going for a jog, perhaps, or waking up a little early to make breakfast or even earlier to make it to sunrise yoga. The alarm goes off, I let myself fall back asleep for a little while, and then by the time my eyes open, it's 7:15 and I think of all the things I want to accomplish before going to work at 9.

Today we were rolling along quite nicely, though; I took Fin for a walk around the 'hood while Ryan did a workout, and then got home in time to get ready at a leisurely pace. We talked, we laughed, and then I remembered I had yet to pack my lunch.

Now, I pride myself on packing my lunch almost every day. Commendable, I know! It's just so I can justify buying hot pink lunch boxes and these awesome reusable organic cotton snack bags from Etsy.

I digress! When I went to pack my lunch this morning, suddenly in a rush, I realized I was out of lettuce. But I wanted to pack a sandwich, and being a vegetarian, I really needed lettuce to make it worth my while. Otherwise I was looking at a cheese-and-apple sandwich and I don't care how gourmet the bread/apple/cheese is... that's not a full lunch. (This is the sammy I had in mind, but with sprouted whole grain bread, lightly toasted—yum!)

Then I had a revelation. We have a food source in the backyard. Well, let me just walk ten yards away, then, and cut some fresh lettuce from our garden.

All this to say how unbelievably awesome it is to have a food source literally in our backyard. I am so proud of our baby lettuces (we've been eating our lettuce and spinach all week, see that gorgeous salad?!) and can't quite express how excited I am about more veggies springing forth from our raised bed.

Major props to my husband for building the most beautiful garden bed. I can't believe I haven't showed you photos yet! Here it is covered in snow; you'll notice my super-duper cat barricade, consisting of wire on top of the soil and then bird netting draped over PVC pipe arches, tightly secured around the perimeter with garden stakes. Yep. No cats allowed. More (better) photos to come as I remember to take and post them. Duh.


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