Thursday 4 August 2011

the rise of the fro-ban

*Please note. I meant to post this, oh, a long, long time ago. But a phone call last week from a neighbor that opened with, "Hey Amber. We have a fro-ban question," reminded me to actually set it live.

**Also. We are huge fans of fro-bans as they were meant to be. This is just another option.

Once upon a time, I was struck by the simplicity of a blog post over at The Kitchn. "Make delicious, creamy ice cream with just one ingredient and no ice cream maker," it claimed.

Ha-HA! Yeah right.

Nay-sayers, step aside. Marvel at the Fro-Ban: the frozen banana, like you've never seen it before. I worried that banana ice cream would taste too, well, banana-y. While the flavor is undoubtedly there, it's nothing like the faux-banana flavor employed by candies and processed foods. And the process of blending the fro-bans incorporates a little air, lending it a light and satisfying creaminess.

And then you get really insistent on making popsicles one night, and before you know it you're adding coconut milk to the frozen bananas, whirring it all together, and layering it in a pan with chocolate syrup.

That's when you invite your neighbors over for Fro-Bans.

Fro-Ban Popsicles
4-6 slightly over-ripe bananas, peeled and cut into 1-inch slices, then frozen for at least 3 hours
1/4 cup coconut milk (dairy, soy, or almond milk can be used here too)
organic chocolate syrup (here's a recipe for homemade)

Toss the frozen banana chunks into the food processor and whir until they resemble ice cream. Feel free to eat it at that point. For popsicles, slowly add the coconut milk while the machine is running, until the mixture reaches a slightly smoother texture.

Line a 9x5 baking tray with waxed paper and pour a layer of banana mixture into the pan. Drizzle with a good layer of chocolate syrup, and top with the remaining banana mixture. Place popsicle sticks in at 3/4-inch intervals. Freeze for at least 4 hours, then gently cut pops apart and serve.


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