Wednesday 20 June 2012

Wordy Wednesday: Hello Summer, Goodbye Garden

This is how I'll remember my pole beans.
Today we herald in the official beginning of summer! And as the temperatures stay in the upper nineties, pushing 100 day after day, I'm coming to terms with saying goodbye to my summer garden.

This morning I harvested another zucchini, a few handfuls of perfectly ripe black cherry tomatoes, and one humongous cucumber that should've been picked days ago. Slowly, though, the garden is calling it quits. Wouldn't you? Imagine standing up straight all day, while it's almost as hot as the surface of the sun, getting only a slight reprieve from the heat at night? Thought so!

The first bed to go will be the beans and the butternut squash. They have given us all they could, and now it's time to let go. It's a good life lesson, really. Letting things go when they're ready to go. Gracefully accepting the change of the seasons, and understanding that sometimes, the circumstances set before you require you to surrender.

So I'll happily let my garden go, looking forward to the next season—when we usher in cooler temperatures and a whole new crop of circumstances. Letting go of one thing leaves opportunity to take hold of another.


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